The Takeout & Delivery POS Software is used to streamline your off-site food and beverage orders ie. Menulog, Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Phone in - Pick up Orders, Phone in - Your own Delivery orders, within your in-store POS System. Great for Fast Food, Cafe, Restaurants, Pizza Shops. Some of the main features are:
Record and control differing Takeout & Delivery methods eg. UBER EATS, MENULOG, DELIVEROO, PHONE IN - PICK UP, PHONE IN - YOUR OWN DELIVERY DRIVERS etc.
Takeout & Delivery order methods are clearly shown on order dockets printed at the food & beverage areas as well as customer receipts. eg. UBER EATS
The customer's name is clearly shown on order dockets printed at the food & beverage areas as well as customer receipts. eg. UBER EATS
Order dockets for your own in-house delivery system show the customers name, address & phone number
Order dockets show the date, time, order number, printer name, POS terminal name to allow easy tracking of the order
You have the ability to assign a unique price level to each Takeout & Delivery method. ie. if you want different menu pricing for Uber Eats then it is easily implemented
Ability to view orders pending pickup or delivery
Mark orders as picked up or delivered. ie. when the Uber Eats driver pick up orders
Easily and quickly take payment for pick-up orders
Add the optional EFTPOS link software to connect your EFTPOS machine to your POS terminal. Promotes speed and accuracy
Review historical orders
Report sales totals for each Takeout & Delivery method separately. This allows you to easily reconcile payments received by delivery platforms like Uber Eats etc.
Software License & Support
You can not purchase the Takeout & Delivery Software Add-on as "stand-alone" ie. You must already have purchased a Restaurant POS Software license or you can purchase the Takeout & Delivery Software Add-on at the same time as the core Restaurant POS Software product.
You need to purchase the same number of Takeout & Delivery licenses as the number of computers you are licensed for the Restaurant POS Software. ie. if you are licensed for four (4) computers then you would need to purchase four (4) EFTPOS Link licenses.
The pricing below includes the first 12 months Software License & Support plus installation services and training. Training time is not limited as it is covered under the Software License & Support agreement.